'Cause I will always see a brighter day, and I will always see in a different way”

— Maaike Breyman - Gypsy

Inspirational people are everywhere. Ordinary people, who believe in something. Who follow their heart. Who make other people smile. Who create a better place, even if it's just for one person, if only for a moment or two. 

Mycah loves people, and the beautiful things they bring to this world. This section of my website is dedicated to these everyday heroes. Meet Mycah's inspiring people here.


On a rainy morning, I came across the story of Deborah Post, and it instantly lightened up my day. 

Bee populations in Holland are decreasing rapidly, while they are essential to growing our everyday fruit and vegetables. Deborah, owner of an organic juice brand, decided to help the bees in Holland. Her idea: to give the bees virtually the only space in Holland that is guaranteed to be free from pesticides: the soft shoulder of the motorway. She initiated the development of a special blend of seeds, designed…

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This story caught my eye (pun unintended) not too long ago. Growing up with glasses and contact lenses available the moment I needed them, I had never considered the impact of having to go through life with poor eye sight. 

This story begins back in 2009, when optician Bijan Azami learned that close to one billion people in this world need glasses, but don’t have access to them. Initially being set back by the vastness of this problem, he became more and more determined to do something when he realised…

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I usually write a story about a single person who inspires others in their own unique way. And on this grey and miserable day, I stumbled across a video that brightened my day. 

In Tangier, local communities have started working together to clean up and beautify their neighborhood. I believe this is a great way to create better places on earth; clean and pretty places make safer places (if you're up for a read: several examples can be found in Malcolm Gladwell's 'The Tipping Point'). And I believe the…Read more


The headline that caught my attention was "Rogier Reker wants people to look around better", or something in that order (it was in Dutch). The photo showed a man I met years ago with his photo camera and his dog. Mycah’s lyrics are about people, written from observation and imagination, and I was curious what this guy was saying about looking around... Here's his story.
Working at the social media department of a big airline company, Rogier realised he started to become more and more detached from the…

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I do not wish to start a political discussion about the situation in the Middle East or about religion, but the truth is: lots of people are currently suffering from a situation they did not choose to be part of. What I do wish to emphasize is that even in dark times, there are people out there willing to help others, and actually going to lengths to do so. This is the story of such a person: Genna Rourke. 

In September 2015, Genna, mother of two, found the refugee situation in Europe heart breaking and…

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As you may have noticed, we have added a new motto to our music: ‘Music to make you feel good in bad times’. Mycah wants to spread positive energy, and you have stumbled on our new side project to do so: inspiring people. There are many inspiring people out there. Not heroes, or world leaders, but everyday people who do beautiful things. For other people or for the planet we all live on. Who make the world a better place, even if it’s just for one other person, if only for a day. Mycah wants to share the…

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Mycah's inspiring people